Discover the Features of Text Analysis API

The ever increasing volumes of data is one of the biggest challenges enterprises face today. The reason there is so much data is because enterprises have information accumulated from various sources, and in diverse formats. What makes it important is the fact that it holds valuable insights that can be used by the business to make data driven decisions. And what makes analyzing it challenging is the fact that majority of it is unstructured, which makes it impossible to analyze it using the traditional keyword based method.

So, one may ask what is the solution. The solution lies in the new age enterprise search tools like 3RDi Search and Coveo have a text analysis API to analyze the most complex unstructured data to reveal the insights within. In fact, these are the tools an enterprise needs today to manage and organize the diverse forms of data that are collected. What makes such a software a good investment is the fact that it has powerful features built-in that cater to every text analysis and text mining requirements that organizations may face when dealing with enterprise data. Here are the key features that a new age text analysis API offers.

1] Recognition of Named Entities

A very important feature offered by new age text analysis APIs, named entity recognition is also known as entity recognition or entity chunking. It is a process that involves the classification of all the named entities present in the data, such as names of people, places, books, etc., into pre-defined categories. The names entities are extracted and placed under relevant categories. This is a very powerful feature to extract information from unstructured data real fast.

2] Detecting Semantic Similarity

Semantics is the technology involved in deriving meaning of unstructured data. Semantic similarity is a technology that classifies entities in unstructured data on the basis of their meaning, and it’s a very effective method to classify data and helps in quick analysis of unstructured data.

3] Sentiment Analysis

A powerful text analysis feature, sentiment analysis refers to analyzing a piece of content to derive the sentiment or emotion behind it. Using this technology, it is possible for the text analysis API to “understand” whether the piece of text depicts a sad or happy emotion. One of the key applications of sentiment analysis is the analysis of data derived from social media. This data can be analyzed to successfully understand what the users think about the brand or the product.

4] Natural Language Processing

Natural language processing or NLP is one of the key features required for effective text analysis. NLP helps the software to understand and process the natural language spoken by human beings. Without NLP technology, users are required to interact with machines through a language understood by machines. However, NLP can make it possible for humans to interact with machines directly and take inputs and provide outputs in the human language. Home assistant devices like Google Home are a good example of the application of NLP.

5] Extraction of Key Phrases

Another important feature of the text analysis tool is extraction of key phrases. There was a mention of named entity extraction in the previous section of the article, and here it is about extraction of key phrases. This technology is really useful in getting an idea about the theme or subject of the content, and you find it in every new age enterprise search tool.

The Final Word

That was about the most important features of a text analysis API. In addition to those mentioned here, there are a lot of other features that text analysis tools would provide. However, which software to choose depends entirely on the requirements of the organization.

How Best Tradeline Companies Help Boost Your Credit Rate?

Adding the best tradeline companies has been the latest and easiest way to the new generation desirous to improve their credit score. No matter, whether you’ve absolutely no credit line or negative credit history, and intended to attain the potential of having a good credit score as per FICO standard, considering tradeline is a consistent way to reach your goal.

How it Help?

Best tradeline companies can help by adding your details as an authorized user (AU) to a pre-existing credit card with considerably long and desired credit score. With this, being an authorized user, you enjoy the credit history and characteristics linked with that particular account. Notably, AU cannot use that account, make any modification in it, nor would they’ve any responsibility to pay back the balance owed in it. The whole objective of the system, also refers to piggybacking has been recognized as a lawful approach to primary cardholders to add their spouses, children, nearest relations, employees or business partners to their accounts enabling them to avail the credit line advantages. While you don’t receive any physical card, once after authorization, the detailed credit card history will show on your (AU’s) credit status, and thus, your credit status will automatically increase.

How Much Credit Score You Can Attain?

That largely depends on how effectively you can choose best tradeline companies that can help you enjoy AU advantages of cards with a high limit and consistent background. In general, professional groups review your credit background and accordingly customize the best plan to enhance your credit score in the fastest and easiest way.

How It Will Be Beneficial for You?

Unsurprisingly, an enhanced credit score comes with numbers of benefits and a great opportunity to improve one’s quality of life. Simply put, with higher credit score which is accepted by credit rating companies including FICO, as you get entitlement to various loans like home loan, business loan, car loan, etc, good credit score typically fetches you less interest rate on mortgages, relaxed repayment terms, avoid down payments and more. In fact, whatever money you invest for buying a tradeline with greater credit rate, that will appear insignificant to the potential loss you likely to face with a less credit rate or no credit history.

How Do You Reach ‘The Best’?

Search for best tradeline companies through the internet. Check corporate website, evaluate services, reviews, and find one that appears genuine, affordable, and ready with sizable credit line options fitting to your need. Professional agencies evaluate your background to help you become an authorized user and reap the scopes of tradeline usage effectively in your upcoming financial decisions.

Is It a Legalized Service?

One of the most frequently asked questions is whether or not the services offered by best tradeline companies are lawful? To be precise, the system of becoming an authorized user is perfectly legalized; so long it’s not used deceptively. Ranging from the Federal Reserve Bank, the Federal Trade Commission to Attorney Generals have recognized credit piggybacking is perfectly a legal way to add some other individual to one’s existing credit card account, being an authorized user of it. This is been protected by Regulation-B under Equal Credit Opportunity Act.

5 Best Test Automation Tools for 2018

With the quick rise in popularity of the agile methodology among enterprises across the globe, test automation is growing and how! Today, this growing demand has given rise to many advanced automation testing tools in the market. Many of these test automation tools are designed to cater to the needs of every organization, and have an array of powerful built-in features. Given below is a list of 5 most effective tools available in the market in 2018, which includes some established names as well as a few relatively new names that have true potential.

1] Katalon Studio

Designed to test applications running on the web and mobile, along with application programming interfaces (APIs), Katalon Studio is an open source advanced tool based on Appium and Selenium frameworks. It is designed to make the process of software testing faster and help QA teams keep test cases organized and easily accessible. It also allows QA to write complex scripts with ease so as to reduce the time and efforts required.

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2] QARA Test

QARA Test is a zero-coding automation framework that is designed to help QA teams learn and implement automation testing in the least time. It is an effective tool for that offers a host of features like simultaneous execution, parallel and grid execution, recording and playback, cross browser and cross platform support, performance reports and many more. It also comes with JIRA integration for effective bug and issue tracking capabilities and integrates seamlessly with many other popular tools.

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3] TestComplete

TestComplete is a test automation tool for UI testing that supports multiple scripting languages and also offers the facility of recording, like QARA does. It also allows cross browser and regression testing, continuous integration and data-driven framework, like most other advanced tools on this list. It also allows QA teams to track the performance of executions through detailed reports.

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4] TestingWhiz

A zero coding test automation tool just like QARA and many other test automation tools on this list, TestingWhiz can be used to test applications for web and mobile, along with APIs and cloud and web services. It allows regression and database testing, and also supports multiple browsers and platforms. It also allows QA teams to record test cases in order to avoid writing scripts multiple times, and allows running of built-in commands. The tool also supports external integrations with popular tools.

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5] Tricentis Tosca

Designed using the principles of agile methodology and DevOps, Tricentis Tosca helps QA teams overcome the challenges. A model-based architecture helps in reusing scripts, thus saving QA teams a lot of time and efforts. It supports mobile, API and web apps, and offers a host of other functionalities, including reporting features and an interactive dashboard.

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Today, every business needs test automation tools to increase efficiency and maximize product quality. If you are looking forward to investing in a one, just make sure it comes with a set of features that cater to the needs of your organization.